Cool Groovy Adventures of Wiggi Ziggi and Hip Guru

Welcome all to Summer 2024! Thank you for tuning into our psychedelic beatnik vibe! Peace and love to all humans and life forms around mother earth. It’s a beautiful time to get into nature. Be one with nature. Be inspired by nature. Our beautiful mother earth is breathtaking. Our beautiful oceans, mountains, rivers and streams! The Amazon rain forest, the lungs of the world! I am grateful to be alive! It’s our time now to harmonize! Harmonize with nature! Wow! Nature is so absolutely awe-inspiring, and a source of joy, jubilation and creative inspiration! So, create, paint, sculpt, draw, write, and experiment with art and its various mediums. You are the ultimate creator! Yes you! Just ask Nature! Nature knows and nature shows. Ride on! So cool! As magnificent, creative human beings, we all can use our natural innate abilities to create! Just imagine art in your mind’s eye! Imagine and manifest your ideas from the 4th dimension into the 3rd. Get into universal spirituality and open your 3rd eye. Study the Solfeggio frequencies and how they relate to nature and all life forms on mother earth. We modern day beatniks and cool cats love art. It’s our thing man!  Create, paint, sculpt, draw, write, and experiment with various mediums. We are the ultimate creators ©(2019-2024).

Dream Weavers, we are becoming more loving around the world, as we pass from 3D into 5D. Let’s all try to focus on a love and harmony vibe for all humanity. Wiggi says, ” Tune in, tune out, and turn on, to your natural creativity. We need no drugs or pills to expand, we just transcend and imagine to past and future lands. “The human mind is unlimited and can naturally expand, it is potentially ad infinitum and it was part of the plan.” Be cool and be cosmic.  Ok, are you ready to listen to some great music for free in the highest quality MP3 ? Let’s Go! And don’t forget to tune your Solfeggio Frequencies to the New Psychedelic Beatnik Radio Show. But first a little about the featured band ©(2019-2024).

The MadCow band formed in 1996. MadCow has many musical, literary, historical, and philosophical influences. Their music is best described as a worldwide expansive fusion of experimental, eclectic-rock, psychedelic-beatnik, tribal, folk and blues. A big groovy, huge, gigantic thank you to all our fans around the world. You resonate and give us an absolute cool cosmic vibe. Keep the love and comments coming! The MadCow band members feel very connected and dedicated to all our worldwide fans! Nature knows and nature shows. And just like nature, we try to keep our creativity natural and innate. At PsychedelicBeatnik.Com and MadCowMusic.Com, we use no mind-altering drugs. In peace and love, here is a deeper perspective on our use and meaning of the word psychedelic ©(2019-2024).

The etymology, and ancient history of the two words Psyche and Delic were consistent throughout most of history. According to ancient Greek and Latin that spans time for hundreds of years prior to the beatnik period and 1960’s flower child era, the word Psyche essentially meant “mind manifesting,” and the word Delic has meant “to reveal.” Now science is showing and “revealing” that all human beings are endowed with an amazing innate, natural ability to create. The brains of humans can naturally create dopamine, endorphins and other feel-good hormones. Very “revealing” right? Brothers and sisters, in peace and love, research it! Our perspective is that every human being has the potential from birth to be imaginative, creative, hip, and cool, without mind-altering drugs! Meditation and spiritual enlightenment, developing and opening the third eye, studying the Solfeggio frequencies and learning about the 7 chakras energy centers in the body, are some great areas to explore. Let’s all vibrate and become one giant collective of harmony, peace and love. It’s up to all of us on mother earth. So, we encourage you to discover and enhance the cosmic spiritual way. In the final analysis, it’s up to each individual. Love, peace, beauty, harmony and serenity to all ©(2019-2024).

Enjoy the ride! Enjoy the original psychedelic beatnik MP3 music! It’s far out man! Outta sight! Journey and set out on adventures with Wiggi Ziggi and Hip Guru. It’s now time to go, go, go! With the psychedelic beatnik show, and the hip, far out music by the MadCow Band! Go through the time portal and indulge your imagination! Go spread love and peace to all, and cherish all life forms on mother earth and the universe ©(2019-2024).

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